Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Life from Large to Small

Well here I am putting my heart on the line showing everyone that even though I have an amazing husband and a very sweet daughter and feel very happy and greatful for them as well as my dream job as a hairdresser, but for complete happiness I need to lose this extra weight.  This is going to be a very tuff journal for me.. Its not only weight issues I have,  I also suffer from depression and have for years. I surpress my feelings by eating causing me to be addicted to food. This project is especially tuff for me since I will be letting people into my life in places I ususally dont let people go.

This is my weight lose challenge.  I am committing to myself for once.  This is my battle and I need to stop worrying about everyone else and put myself first!!  This is my story about me losing 200lbs.
It brings me to tears to even admit my size . I need you , all my friends to help me through this struggle.. I need to be healthy for Aly and Scott but mostly for myself.  

I am committing myself to blogging everyday.  Lets see what can be accomplished in 365 days...

I really hope you will read my blog each day and help me through this amazingly hard experience.   Please feel free to comment on my blog but please be nice lol!


  1. I, for one, am extremely proud of you Chrissy!!! I know how difficult and brave it is for you do this and to be so public about it. I love you no matter what and you know that. I am glad, though, that you are finally going to take care of yourself like you have been caring for everyone else in your life. You need to be around forever. All the power to you Girl!!!


  2. I too am extremely proud of you. We all have issues that we need to deal with! You have inspired me to start blogging again and do things I have been puttin off. We can support each other!!! :)


  3. Thank you Christa for sharing this with me. I hope you know that you can trust me to encourage you and not judge you for what your write or say on this personal journey. I believe in you.

  4. Hi Christa,

    I am proud of you! I know you can accomplish anything you set your heart out to do. If you ever want to have a walking buddy you can always call me...Jeff is not a huge fan of going for walks. :) Looking forward to following your blog.


  5. Hey Christa....I am following your "journey".... Just want you to know that I know you can do anything if you want it bad enough... You just have to always think of options. It's a lifestyle change, and that in itself can be very difficult! I have watched friends stuggle the same way you are right now....and I am here to tell you that it can be done! Baby's not gonna happen over night, it may even take several months, you can never give up hope. You are gonna have good days and really really bad days...
    I know you can do it...

    Tammy M

  6. thank you all so much for your comments...i come to read my blog to keep me strong and motivated. you guys dont know just how much your words u all xoxox
