Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day 3

Well here I am day 3...doing so well as for water and eating healthy.  tonight for supper  I had a piece of pizza.  I though it would bother me...but I decided that I cant just cancel out the foods i like...i just need to not eat as steps right?
my only issue is getting out there and walking...i hate walking alone...and its hard to go with Scotty cause someone needs to be here with Aly.  I know we can go for a family walk but it wouldnt be a fast pace would be alot of going and stopping and playing....and we do that..but I think I need more then that...
I'll write more before bed to let you know how the rest of my day went.  I am watching a movie tonight with my T dawg so lets see if I can keep my nose clean and not munch....unless its carrots or strawberries:)


  1. I think you are making a great start! Have you tried doing something like to help you track your food and exercise? It's totally free and they have a ton of support groups you can join and people there are so friendly and helpful. I've found a couple of good exercise buddies that were great over the summer keeping me moving and always encouraging me. It really helps. I still have about 40lbs to lose but I've lost the first 20 so 1/3 of the way there. If you do sign up, friend me as I'd love to help encourage you!

  2. yeah i am on sparkpeople..if u check patti's profile u will see me:) i am under the name suineg
