Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Day 2

Well here I am at day 2 and what a day! spend the morning with a very dear friend and her new baby boy!!! love him to pieces!
went to amherst to see my folks for supper..
went to t-zone for my workout session.
i had alot of tempations today..lots...just not from you belle!! hehehe but i didnt cave in and eat like crazy...i ate sensible portions!
So yeah this is like any other addiction having lots of cravings but gonna try my hardest to get this weight off!! gonna try so hard
I hope someone is actually reading this..anyone out there


  1. I'm reading this Christa... keep up the good work :)

  2. thanks hun i appreciate it. i love getting the comments cause it makes me feel this blog is gonna make a difference not only for me but people reading it...if i can do this anyone can!

  3. I read every blog you post!! I know you can do it!! Believe me, it does get easier! Not sure if you ever heard of SPARK PEOPLE (www.sparkpeople.com) but it's a free website that you can track you calories and progress and get tips and stuff and it really works!

    I lost 25 pounds a couple years back that I gained when I had Emily. I tried diet after diet and nothing worked, there really is no special trick or secret pill, starving yourself does not work...it's all about cutting back and getting in more exercise! OH and DRINKIN' LOTS OF WATER!!!! lol That's a big thing! I also used a smaller plate so that I didn't fill a huge plate (extra food that I didn't need) For the first while i measured my food with a $10 food scale I got from Wal-mart, I ate 6 small meals instead of 3 large and as you go on it just comes natural...and I kept the weight off cause I know what I can and can't eat too much of! I never COMPLETELY cut anything out cause it's not realistic, it's just all about portion control!

    Anyways I am rambling, Just givin' you some tips that helped me! Hope I don't seem pushy!!! :)

  4. no your not pushy...i have tried all that...i am still on sparkpeople have been for a few years...good place. i appreciate every post you guys make...makes me feel like i am not allow in this struggle...i dont mean to push ppl into posting but right now thats what i need....the first months to tuffiest right?
