Monday, August 31, 2009

This sucks!

Well i did i messed up this weekend. I cant get back into the swing of things...i am feeling sluggish like i am use to from eating those heavy foods....i feel sad and disappointed in myself....need to get myself motivated to continue:(

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Day 5-6

well dont u just love the weekends...even though i was away...i tired to contain my eating habits and i did better then i usually do as for stopping myself when i felt content and stuff....but i did munch alot! but thank goodness.  Gotta learn how to adapt to being away and finding healthy choices...but this is a life changing diet so I cant eliminate the foods i do enjoy just eat them less often and smaller portions.
Tonight i am off to the movies with tanya and trent and scotty...aly is away in chipman for a few hopefully tomorrow i will get a nice walk in with scotty!!!

Friday, August 28, 2009

day 4

Hey all! day 4 going good!!! Kinda tired today. I ate take out today...6 inch grilled chicken sub on whole wheat, lays baked chips! 1.9 grams of fat for the whole bag.....hola. and a diet coke.
Can you guys tell me what sorts of things you want me to speak about on here daily or any stats you think i should post! this is my first blog so any help would be awesome

went to t-zone today and took tanya..she have a good laugh watching me jiggle lol
Off to freddy after work tomorrow....chipman overnight so i wont be posting on day 5.

THEN on sunday we are going to see final Destination in 3d!  Does anyone wanna come!? let me know ..oh and yes i am gonna have my mini pizza and diet pop...for pizza hut i think i deserve it!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 4

Hey everyone!
Day 4 is done! I did good today...i did have Wendy's but I had a grilled chicken sandwich and half a ceasar salad...and i went for a walk with sarah! she made me walk up and down a bunch of stairs...i hated it...i whinned...and whinned....and whinned...thank god Sarah will put up with me being a baby....I had a huge pain in my said and i was breathing really hard! but i made it....still here and in one piece. Aswell I also went to my t-zone workout.
Thanks for being there for me means the world! xoxoxoxo
Lets see how day 5 goes!
p.s my cravings are starting to subside a anxiety is up a bit

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Well its almost bed time! my fav part of the day hehe
I did much a bit tonight....i think i drank like 2 litres of  water and i had some fresh mushrooms and ranch dressing..
So tomorrow I am going walking with my dear friend sarah! Shes such a sweetie for offering!! love her dearly!!! Also tzone after work! I'm a busy girl u know! hehe
Thanks again to everyone for your post and private messages! They keep me strong!! you will never know how much I truly appreciate you all!
Lets see how day 4 goes tomorrow shall we?

Day 3

Well here I am day 3...doing so well as for water and eating healthy.  tonight for supper  I had a piece of pizza.  I though it would bother me...but I decided that I cant just cancel out the foods i like...i just need to not eat as steps right?
my only issue is getting out there and walking...i hate walking alone...and its hard to go with Scotty cause someone needs to be here with Aly.  I know we can go for a family walk but it wouldnt be a fast pace would be alot of going and stopping and playing....and we do that..but I think I need more then that...
I'll write more before bed to let you know how the rest of my day went.  I am watching a movie tonight with my T dawg so lets see if I can keep my nose clean and not munch....unless its carrots or strawberries:)

Tuesday, August 25, 2009 i am....its 1:22 am and i am hungry!!!! i laid in bed thinking about it for awhile but then decided to go get a spoon full on peanut butter....i am satisfied now so back to bed i go!!!


Day 2

Well here I am at day 2 and what a day! spend the morning with a very dear friend and her new baby boy!!! love him to pieces!
went to amherst to see my folks for supper..
went to t-zone for my workout session.
i had alot of tempations today..lots...just not from you belle!! hehehe but i didnt cave in and eat like crazy...i ate sensible portions!
So yeah this is like any other addiction having lots of cravings but gonna try my hardest to get this weight off!! gonna try so hard
I hope someone is actually reading this..anyone out there

Monday, August 24, 2009

Well day one was okay...i am tired my anxiety is at its peak.  I just want to cry! not cool!
i had a major headache today...might have had something to do with my contact lenses as well....who knows...i am just glad its bedtime!


Day 1

Well here I am...I have day 1 almost completed and jesus i have the worst headache in my life!!! Its from lack of fat and sugar i think and also cause i broke my friggin glasses and I had to wear contacts allday.  Not a good idea!
I just did 100 sit ups...with 35 lbs extra sitting on my stomach a.k.a Alicia!
I'll write again b4 I go to bed to give you the final run down of the day.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Starting my new Life

Well its official its after 12 midnight..I rang in my new beginning with one of my best girls tanya! We went for a drive as we both had an afternoon nap!  THANKS FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE FOR ME TANYA!


As you all know I have a huge respect for Pink! She is so talented and is so true to herself.  We listen to her music alot around here...shes just the greatest...I will be posting a link here soon on Alicia (my daughter) singing So What...the kid loves the song! she makes my day everytime I hear it and I hope she makes yours too....give me a few days and a i hope to have it up!
Well as i sit here on the eve of starting my new life i want to tell you all about me.

I have been a big girl all my life. I had a wonderful childhood etc with the best parents anyone could ask for.

From as far back as I can remember I have always had anixety issues and worrywartism...yes i just made that word up! lol
To calm my nerves I have always turned to food.  It comforts me.

My doctor told me from a young age I had a sluggish metabolism so the comfort foods werent helping my weight jump!

My blog sometimes might be paragraphs but sometimes might just be be writing down whats going through my mind and as alot of you know that changes very often!  I love jumping to different topics mid sentence!! just want to make sure everyone is listening hehe

thanks to Natasha Fury I will be starting to post weekly pics of my process...Tomorrow I hope to get this pic done.
thanks for the idea Natasha

love you all
 oh and yeah i just broke my glasses...not to get contacts tomorrow morning while my glasses are away getting fixed!

My Life from Large to Small

Well here I am putting my heart on the line showing everyone that even though I have an amazing husband and a very sweet daughter and feel very happy and greatful for them as well as my dream job as a hairdresser, but for complete happiness I need to lose this extra weight.  This is going to be a very tuff journal for me.. Its not only weight issues I have,  I also suffer from depression and have for years. I surpress my feelings by eating causing me to be addicted to food. This project is especially tuff for me since I will be letting people into my life in places I ususally dont let people go.

This is my weight lose challenge.  I am committing to myself for once.  This is my battle and I need to stop worrying about everyone else and put myself first!!  This is my story about me losing 200lbs.
It brings me to tears to even admit my size . I need you , all my friends to help me through this struggle.. I need to be healthy for Aly and Scott but mostly for myself.  

I am committing myself to blogging everyday.  Lets see what can be accomplished in 365 days...

I really hope you will read my blog each day and help me through this amazingly hard experience.   Please feel free to comment on my blog but please be nice lol!